Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Last Terraphim begins...

Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I have been working on a story. It's no story of heroes in the conventional sence, because we do not live in a conventional world, no matter how we delude ourselves.
It's a tale of a girl, coming to grips with situations beyond her control, as well as how she is connected to them no matter how much she resists. I began this story nearly 8 years ago, and through fragmented files, upgraded OS, and botched external hard drive transfers, I have lost every attempt I made to tell this story. Yet it still exists inside my mind, completed and perfect. Having the time to dish it out, however, is difficult.
I began to realize that I was updating almost all of my online information like a bad habit, rather than putting forth the effort in a constructive manner, toward something I cared about. This is difficult when you care about everything and everyone, rarely making time for oneself.
So this will be a blog for the exclusive purpose of sharing my art and writing with the entirety of the world. I will predominantly focus on my story and other writing projects. This is more an attempt to share my work with everyone, as I know nothing of publishing. I can barely fathom the idea of charging someone for a quick look at a piece of my soul. Can a price really be placed on that? And if it can, does it do justice?
Sci-fi, fantasy, and drama. This is what drives me. To continue to ask the question "what if?" is what keeps me going each day. I feel the answer to every question should be another question. The answer is unimportant, it's the journey that makes it worthwhile.

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